We are proud to have worked to feature our green housing client, Pearl Homes, in this major profile in the Wall Street Journal. Pearl Homes’ Hunters Point housing development in Florida was featured as part of a trend toward more energy efficient, hurricane-resistant housing in the area.

“Hunters Point is billed by its developers as the first “net zero” single-family home development in the U.S., a designation that means the homes generate at least as much energy as they consume. And they are built to standards that often exceed the already rigorous Florida building code. By incorporating sustainability and resilience into home construction, developers are addressing both a cause of climate change—carbon emissions—and one of its effects—stronger storms. As more builders take that approach, some are aiming to produce residences at a scale that can make them affordable to a wider array of buyers.”—The Wall Street Journal

This piece was the result of months of work, coordinating multiple interviews and a site visit by the journalist who wrote the story. It’s a great example of what can happen when you have a timely client who is also willing to fulfill any requests and answer any question journalists might have. Congrats to a great client on some great coverage!

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