We’re proud to have worked to feature tech and culture platform Emtrain in this New York Times article on working for bad bosses.
Emtrain CEO Janine Yancey spoke in the article about how business leaders need to prioritize doing the work of creating conscious culture.


“Over the last couple decades, companies have not invested as much time and resources in developing resources and management skills. Everyone’s focused on the technical skills, the what, but not necessarily the how.” —Janine Yancey, New York Times


This interview was the result of months of pitching a number of reporters at the Times about Emtrain, its experts, and how they fit into the discussion over corporate culture. When the CEO of Better.com came under fire for firing 900 employees in a Zoom call, we offered Yancey as an expert to talk about the importance of creating and maintaining good workplace culture.


Congrats to a great client on some great coverage!

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