Sometimes the best way to get the media’s attention is to take advantage of trending topics that you know are already getting coverage. In 2021 and 2022 The Great Resignation captured headlines and had employers all over the country worried about how they were going to attract and retain talent.

Enter the 4-Day work week.

Companies began to embrace the idea that they could foster a better work/life balance for their employees while still maintaining productivity after implementing a 4-day work week. One of those companies was Emtrain, which provides training and analytics to help companies measure and improve their corporate culture.

Emtrain implemented a 4-day work week in the fall of 2021. As a company that focuses on improving corporate culture, they were particularly well suited to share their experience and recommendations with other companies planning to do the same.

INK offered Emtrain’s culture and operations experts as sources of information and insight into implementing the 4-day work week. It gave the company a chance to show off its innovation, while also making clear that they walk the walk when it comes to improving corporate culture.

Coverage for Emtrain included: How to Successfully Implement a 4-Day Workweek Even if You’re a Fast-Growing Startup

Human Resources Director: Will America embrace a four-day workweek?

Bloomberg Beta: Should I Make My Company Have a 4-Day Work Week?

BusinessInsider: My company started a 4-day workweek last year. Here’s how I stay on top of tasks while enjoying Fridays off.

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