But alas, another crazy, unpredictable year has passed with another strained, angry, and emotionally draining election cycle; and I don’t know about you, but I’m so tired and even bored with the continuing degradation of civility and honor, of our seemingly lack of simple discourse, and most importantly to me, our cowardice and lack of willingness to understand and acknowledge our differences. Yes, this great country was founded, tested and survived on a principle of equality for all its citizens and yes, including those immigrants coming to its shores wishing to share in this equality and bounty. Please note I said “its shores” not our shores. We don’t own this land any more than the indigenous tribes who were the first immigrants and settlers.
We all share this immigrant experience, but we are all very different. Very different. And these differences deserve our shared dignity and respect, not fear nor loathing. Our cultural backgrounds, our religions or lack thereof, how we love and whom we love, our education, our incomes, our likes and dislikes, and our ability and capability of altering these differences. But simply saying we’re not ‘blue’ or ‘red,’ conservative or liberal or woke, that we’re all “Americans” is not being honest to our differences. We’re individual human beings who are blessed to live in a country where these differences need to be respected, not rejected and homogenized under some mob mentality…whether by the right or the left. A pox on both sides who wish to degrade the honest feelings and fears of the other without accepting the differences which, in fact, make this country so great. I still believe in this noble experiment called democracy and remain thankful for every one of my eight decades living under it.
I am thankful for my continued good health and mental acuity, my incredibly tolerant and loving family, the legacy of my grandsons, Tavish and Sami, and all of my friends who have shared my journey, and the clients who continue to amaze me with their innovation and ambition, and those so dear but no longer present who remain with me in spirit to deal with life on my terms. I am thankful for all of you…not just at this time of year, but every day.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Dick Grove
Chairman and CEO